The walnut tree as shown in the picture, is growing in what was once the hollow stump of a white box [eucalyptus albens] which was in earlier times sacrificed to produce fence posts. The walnut seed would, by most, be viewed as fortunate. Dropped by a Chough or some other bird down through the hollow centre of this stump to land atop the fertile soil created over the years by the rotting centre of its guardian. With the occasional rainfall and sunshine which travelled the same way it did itself, the walnut would have germinated and grown, cossetted and secure by thick walls of hard wood into a healthy seedling enjoying sanctuary delivered by the remnants of this once powerful tree. It would have been above the reach of most hungry and exploring mouths looking for green in a surrounding landscape of brown, even when it finally burst out over the top of its refuge.
Through the years the young tree grew vigorously and healthily and faster now it's leaves were all exposed to longer periods of sunshine. But as it did so, it would have found the hollow which protected it somewhat restrictive, a bit too close, and the tree trunk now became a prison which the young tree had to break open or it would be at least stifled, and at worst strangled to death.
So when does security become a prison? When does it stifle us and become a burden which we can't endure without shrinking back and becoming smaller to save ourselves from being strangled, can we break open that which holds us in thrall? In most cases what is at first security becomes something which will make life difficult for us, even if it lulls us into what we think is wellbeing for a short time, eventually it will let us down and it does that because it doesn't exist, it was always a prison.
Helen Keller wrote:
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.
So though something might appear to be secure at first, may not continue to give us this feeling as time passes, and when needed is finally seen to be just what it in fact is; a mirage disappearing when we actually need it, leaving us disillusioned and unprepared.
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